AI for Good Foundation
AI for Good Foundation

AI for Good is driving forward technological solutions that measure and advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

We create impact by bringing together a broad network of interdisciplinary researchers, nonprofits, governments, and corporate actors to identify, prototype and scale solutions that engender positive change.

Founded in 2015 by a team of Machine Learning and Social Science Researchers in the US and Europe, AI for Good is headquartered in Berkeley, California with an international network of core team members, partners and volunteers supporting our work.

Our Vision

A world where we can harness the full potential of emerging technologies towards creating positive social change.

Our Values

Open for innovation We want to create a fertile and open space where new ideas can germinate, interact and flourish.

Choose optimism We hold a firm belief that the future is better and brighter, and we’ll give it our all to make this happen.

Make with intention Our work finds purpose when we create effective solutions that can catalyse positive social impact.

Together we can When people from diverse skills and backgrounds work together towards a common cause, amazing things can happen.

Lead the change We want to help create a better world and we have the courage to do it with transparency and integrity.

Learn more about our work here.

AI for Good Foundation

AI for Good Foundation

AI for Good is a nonprofit that’s bringing together the best minds and technologies to solve the world’s most urgent challenges.